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Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Congo Update

Not much has changed since our last blog post. There is still some intense fighting happening in Dongo where the fighting originated. One of the biggest issues right now besides the fighting, is that many people are still displaced at this point. A few people have returned to Gemena that we know of, but most remain in the jungle with little to no food, shelter or medication. The local church is doing what they can to aid those who are displaced. Sam was able to speak briefly with Mowa, the director of the Elikya Center, last week. At that time Mowa was trying to coordinate purchasing tarps to get to people who are staying in the jungle. There are still soldiers in Gemena and people remain fearful of their presence. It was reported a couple weeks ago that one of the soldiers began firing a gun randomly and people were hiding in their homes. It is likely that the soldier was just drunk and shooting for no particular reason and no one was injured that we are aware of.

If you are interested in giving money to aid those who are displaced in the Congo, Congo Emergency Fund has been established, and we are accepting donations to respond to this urgent need.

Please donate online or send checks to:

Congo Emergency Fund 2021709-39051
901 E 78th Street
Minneapolis MN 55420

Please continue to pray for our friends in the Congo. We are so grateful for the responses we have received from so many of you. We hope your Christmas was great and that you enjoy celebrating the new year!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you guys for what you are doing for the people of the Congo especially in the inner land. Thank you sooo muuuchhh
