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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Lord Provides

I have always believed this truth. The Lord is my provider. Since we returned from the Congo in October, Sam and I have come to a new & deeper understanding of the provision of the Lord. Since November we have been living on a portion of the financial support we are receiving which allows us to focus on fundraising full-time. This means that we live on a very tight budget. When we came back to the states we knew that from a worldly perspective it didn't seem possible to live off such a small amount, but we chose to trust in the Lord. I feel it is important to share with you as our friends, family and supporters the wonderful things the Lord has done for us. The Lord is praised when we testify to His work in our life. Here is a list of ways the Lord has provided for our very basic needs when at times we thought it impossible:
  • Sam and I were invited to live rent free in the guest house on my grandparents' property. If this were not offered to us, we would have to be living with one of our parents, but instead we have our own space on a beautiful piece of property.
  • In November, I was hospitalized with a staph infection for two days. We did have insurance at the time, but still owed 20% of the bill. We applied for charity assistance through the hospital to see if we could get some additional assitance and were approved for 100% coverage...for up to a year! This has been an incredible blessing because we have had a couple other unexpected doctor visits since beng approved.
  • I have been able to babysit for a couple friends twice a week which has added just enough extra income.
  • We were surprised to receive a tax return this year that allowed us to buy a few much-needed items and to pay for an eye exam and new glasses for me.
  • We found out that the remainder of my car loan was much less than expected and were able to pay off the car with part of the tax return!
  • Just when we thought the Lord had done every miraculous thing to allow us to stay where we are living while raising support, we received a very unexpected gift intended to pay off my student loan.
  • A friend offered us a financial gift that allows us to go to New Orleans next month to work with a ministry of TouchGlobal for a week. This is an important trip because the staff involved in this ministry will be helping us with team member selection while we are in the Congo. Sam and I had thought we would not be able to go on this trip because of finances.
  • And, I can never ignore the random gift cards, gas money, meals and clothes we have received at random the past few months.
We serve a limitless God who cares for our every need. "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" Matthew 6:26

The list I have shared testifies to the basic needs we have for shelter, clothes and food. But our God provides for every need of ours and that goes beyond food and shelter. He knows our emotional, relational and spiritual needs as well. Sam and I have been experiencing a very rich season of life these past few months. Our marriage is thriving, our relationships with others have deepened, we have each matured greatly in our understanding of Christ and living in community with other....and the list goes on.

Even though we had plans of returning to the Congo last January, the Lord knows everything. We wait with excitement for when we can return, but this has not been a wasted season in our lives by any means. We trust the Lord to provide all of the financial support needed to return to the Congo in the same way He is providing for our most basic needs today.

We are excited to let you know that we have now raised 66% of our needed monthly support. We only need about $1200 more dollars for each month we are in the Congo.


  1. This is so amazing. Praise God. Thanks for sharing and putting it all together like this! It's so cool to see.

  2. I am humbled by your blog entry. Thanks for sharing the day by day blessings that you have been given. It is a gentle reminder that I can do the same.

  3. God is so Good!
    Thanks for this very encouraging reminder!
    God Bless!
    Rick and Carol Reynolds

  4. Wow! Your testimony of how God has provided for you brought tears to my eyes! We serve such an awesome God. I read today a statement that means so much to me: Expect God to Act. Isn't that so true?! Amen!
    Amy Hintzman
