for rain.
We are right in the middle of the rainy season here in Gemena. This week we bought almost all of the things we will need to start cooking for ourselves here. We needed to wash all of our new kitchen things and Michelle and Sarah decided to take advantage of the free, clean, rain water. We filled up buckets with rain water and started washing and rinsing while sitting at the back of our duplex. It even helped to rinse some things off by sticking them directly under the rainfall. It is important that we use clean water for drinking, cooking, washing dishes and brushing our teeth. Clean water is hard to come by and it takes a while to filter all the water we need through our filter. The huge downpour yesterday came at the perfect time for us to clean our dishes.

This week we have started meeting with some of the leadership here at the Elikya Center and in the church. This is an important time for us to make plans for getting started with our responsibilities and building solid relationships with our co-workers. Please pray that the Lord gives us clear direction and unity.
This is Aunt Becky on Gpa's computer. At the moment, we are watching the Cubs WINNING against the Cardinals. I'd better make this short before they change the direction of the game!
ReplyDeleteGuess we shouldn't complain about water in the basement or having to boil water in Ames for a few days, huh? You are looking and sounding good.
Here's Gpa Martin: Hello! I've enjoyed the blog and also the pictures: Larsons and Sam and Sarah. How wonderful! I never thought that I should thank the Lord for a lot of rain, but that's part of the automatic washer of clothes! We love you. I am planning on a trip from my home to the Mexican restaurant! Sam, I will keep a handful of chips, but I hope it won't get soggy when it goes to Congo! I love you and am "very properly proud" of you. Yes, I'm looking for Aunt Rach coming and I hear your dad is going to Congo. That's great! God bless! -grandpa
I miss you guys soo much!! Calvin is walking more and more each day. We had an ice cream life group social and thought of you. Jones started work today, and Calvin has been making me laugh all day. We are trying to teach him to stop throwing his sippy cup. When he blatantly disobeys me, I'll cup his face to make eye contact, and explain what he's done wrong. He starts babbling to me, as if he's talking back! Can't even say mama, but is already giving me grief about his sippy cup. Hope to read another blog post soon.
ReplyDeleteAunt Becky came for dinner tonight because John is out of town. She told me that she had read the new entry in your blog about washing dishes, so I had to check it out. (In the background I hear our dishwasher going.) How brave you all are! Our computer was gone for several days but is back with a new hard drive that has 4 times the capacity of the other one and it's doing well. We're going to take it with us to the Farm. Will update you on all that is going on in an email. Love and miss you but are so blessed with all that God is doing in your lives. Hi to the Larsons, too!