We returned to Gemena, DRC on August 23rd and were welcomed at the airport by many friends. Unfortunately Hannah had puked up her lunch on the plane just before we landed…so her adorable, pink dress smelled terrible as she was passed around from person to person. We were excited to see Aaron, Michelle and Soleil again. The past few days have been full of many visitors coming by the house to meet the newest member of the Elikya family. It is a joy to introduce our friends here to Hannah. So many people have been praying for us over the past several months of pregnancy and while we were in CAR. Now Hannah is finally here to meet all of those people who prayed for her.
Hannah meets Simplice, Bebe and Pastor Elangha |
Mama Francoise...Hannah's Congolese grandma |
The ELikya Center babies, Hannah and Soleil |
Hannah officially has three names now: Hannah (English), Hana (French) and Ana (Lingala). They all sound similar enough that she should learn to respond to all names.
A few things have changed around the Elikya Center that will make living here much easier for us. While we were in Gamboula the internet tower and wireless internet were finally set up. We have internet access at our house!! This is monumental. It is relatively fast internet, too. It only runs at night between 6(ish) and 10(ish) when the generator is running but that is a huge advantage to us. We actually have access every day and do not have to walk 3 kilometers to check our emails. The other exciting change is that we have a 4-wheeler we are now renting for transportation. So, if we do have to go 3 kilometers or so to get somewhere, we can hop on the 4-wheeler instead of walking. These two changes are huge blessings that will make our daily life and work much more manageable.
Ana azali kitoko mingi! ~ Mama Rachel Bliss