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Friday, May 18, 2012

Passing the Torch

Michelle is on her way (hopefully she has arrived already) to pick up the last short-term team we will host. But, this time around WE are not actually doing all the hosting. This is the Hospitality Team's first opportunity to do all of the hosting. Michelle is on her way to pick up the team, but Bebe is with her and will do all of the hard work. We will be around to observe and offer a hand when needed, but we are really "passing the torch" this time around.

While we were in Kenya, the Hospitaility Team initiated having a meeting together to create the schedule for this team and to talk about how they will move forward as a team when we are back in the States. It delighted us to hear that they did this on their own. We met with the CECU (local Free Church) President and Vice President along with the Hospitlaity Team to discuss the details for the short-term team's stay in Congo. The Hospitality Team led the meeting and everything went so smoothly.

We already know there will be some challenges for the Hospitality Team while they are hosting the next several days. Mandaba is attending a training in Kinshasa and will not return until a couple days before the short-term team goes home. Simplice is 8 months pregnant and her doctor wants her to stay at home because of some complications she has had. So, that leaves Benjamin and Bebe with the main hosting and translating responsibilities. Simplice and Mandaba were still able to help with some of the preparations, but will not be hands-on. So...please pray for Benjamin and Bebe as they jump into their work. Sam, Aaron, Michelle and I will be available to help them when needed since they are "short-staffed".

Luckily this is a small team and they are all ReachGlobal staff members. They are just three people coming for the same purpose which will make hosting them much easier than teams we have hosted previously.

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