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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


On Thursday morning, the 20th, we received news that Mowa, the first director of the Elikya Center and a dear friend of ours, had died. He had been battling an illness for a long time and his body could not keep it up. We had the opportunity to visit with him a few times in the weeks leading up to his death and we could tell that his health was diminishing. Although we had been praying fervently for a miraculous recovery, the Lord had other plans. We are relieved to know that Mowa is no longer suffering and that he is with the Lord but he also leaves behind a very heavy burden for his wife, Luta, and his children.

Luta now has seven of Mowa’s biological children to care for as well as a couple others that they have taken in. Please be praying with us for them in the days to come; that God would provide everything that they need and that He would be with them in their grief since losing a husband and a father.
Over the past several days, since Mowa’s death, we’ve been reflecting on our relationship with him both as a friend and a co-worker. He was a very kind, gentle person who truly cared for widows and orphans and even before taking on the responsibility of Director of the Elikya Center he had been taking them into his home and caring for them. Some of our favorite moments spent with Mowa were when we had opportunities to sit and talk and just enjoy each other’s company. He had a contagious laugh and when he really found something funny, he had a hard time stopping his laughter. Even though we didn’t always understand his Congolese sense of humor, we thoroughly enjoyed laughing with him.
All of this has been very difficult for us and we also need your prayers:
-          For guidance and wisdom from the Lord as we try to help and encourage Luta and their children.
-          For the Lord’s peace upon us and we grieve for our friend.
Mowa in July 2009 in front of the Elikya Center entrance sign

All of us with Mowa in July 2010, shortly after arriving at the Elikya Center

Mowa speaking at last year's Elikya graduation

Mowa and Luta meeting Hannah for the first time


  1. These pictures are so dear, Sarah. You must be feeling the loss greatly! He looks so young and cheerful. I am sorry that you have lost such a great partner and friend this week. We will be praying for you and Sam as well as for Luta and his family. Hugs!

  2. Our hearts grieve with you. We continue to pray for all of you, especially for Luta and the children.
    Much love, Mom and Dad
