We left Gemena on Tuesday in a small SIL plane and arrived safely in Gamboula, Central African Republic that afternoon around 3pm. Everything went smoothly and all that is left to do is have a baby.
We are staying at the Gamboula Mission Hospital in a very nice guest house with running water, 24 hour electricity and an indoor kitchen. This definitely feels like a vacation. There are two other ReachGlobal missionary couples living here right now and they are doing a great job taking care of us. Sarah had an appointment with Dr. Tim on Wednesday and the baby looks good. We can’t wait to meet him or her…hopefully soon!
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The plane we took from Gemena to Gamboula |
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>>We were excited to get this view of the Elikya Center when we were flying out of Gemena | <><> >>
Will you please join us in prayer for Mowa, the director of the Elikya Center? He has been very ill the past month and on and off for about a year. In response to the medical advice of the doctors in Congo, Mowa is here with us in Gamboula to get rest and medical care. At this time he is being cared for by Dr. Tim Wester and staying at the mission down the road from where we are staying. He is very weak right now and we are asking God for miraculous healing. His wife, Luta, and 3-year-old son have been traveling to Gamboula by motorcycle and truck this past week and hope to arrive Monday or Tuesday. Please pray that they arrive safely, Dr. Tim has wisdom in treating Mowa and that Mowa and his family will be encouraged by the Holy Spirit during this difficult time. We greatly appreciate your prayers for our friend!
So grateful to receive the call from Ruth that you arrived safely. Thank you for all of the updates. We can't wait to hear about our new grandchild's arrival! Sending love and hugs!