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Saturday, June 25, 2011

June in Review

A short-term team arrived June 4th and stayed until the 15th to work with 3 different projects alongside the Congolese church. Read one of the previous posts to find out what those three projects were. We hosted 4 women and 4 teenage girls. Sam’s dad and aunt were also here during that time and were involved in some of the projects. This is the largest team we have hosted so far and it was hard work! It was exciting to have the ladies here and to use the time to work one-on-one with members of the Hospitality Team while an American team was here. Our days usually began at about 5:30AM when we got up to start breakfast for the team and ended around 8PM when dinner was cleaned up or all our meetings were finished. Whew!
Sam and Bebe cooking scrambled eggs early in the morning
Because there were three different projects going on, Sam, Aaron, Michelle and I were often going three different directions to help translate, cook, arrange transportation, etc. Since one of the projects was beginning the plans for an Elikya Center restaurant, we took the team out to eat at two local restaurants and ate meals at many people’s homes so they could experience a variety of local foods and atmospheres. We particularly enjoyed all the special and delicious meals we got to eat.
Out on the "town" with the team

On the last day of planning meetings for the Elikya Center restaurant, the team set up a mock restaurant. They spent all day cooking and transforming one of the classrooms into a restaurant. That evening they invited all of the Congolese people who had been involved in the planning meetings (and will continue to work with planning the restaurant in the future) and members of the Hospitality Team. They did an amazing job decorating and cooking a delicious meal using only local ingredients. It was definitely a night out. We felt like we were in the city hanging out with friends over a good meal, not in our English classroom right next door to our house.

Some of the guests at "Restaurant na Esengo"

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The teenage girls who were here spent a lot of time with orphans in the Global Fingerprints sponsorship program. They spent a few days at a local church helping with a program for orphans. They shared their testimonies, the gospel and memory verses with the orphans. Some of the older orphans were also involved in running the program.
Sarah translating Anna's testimony

The girls meeting some of the orphans
It was a very busy 11 days for all of us. Sam and I are ready now to rest in Central African Republic and wait for the arrival of Baby Snyder, who will make our lives even busier. We leave on June 28th.

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